You’ve purchased the Artist Life & Mindset Bundle Black Friday offer!
Here’s what happens next:
You will receive an email with login information to our Podia course platform, where you’ll have access to the Reconnect and Mindset Makeover for Artists masterclasses and playbooks. You’ll also receive a link from me to schedule your 1:1 coaching session included in the bundle.
Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the email to arrive. If you haven’t received an email within 24 hours, contact for support!
You can book your 1:1 coaching session until 31 March 2023. This way we make sure what you’ve learned in the Reconnect and Mindset Makeover for Artists masterclasses is fresh in your mind, which guarantees you’ll get the most out of your 1:1 session. After the 1:1 session, you’ll have 1 week of asynchronous coaching and feedback from me on one coaching assignment via video/voice messages. (Asynchronous means that we’re not in the same place at the same time 😊)
I’m so excited you’ve purchased the Artist Life & Mindset Bundle! This means you’ve invested in yourself, your creative, and your Artist Life & Business goals for 2023!
Look forward working with you and supporting you in your goals!
XO Katja